A young woman with red-blonde hair is smiling wearing a loose white blouse, and black jeans, sits among 4 abstract shapes. There is one yellow, one blue, one green, and one purple shape, each filled with a watercolor texture.

Hi! I’m Katherine,

and I love helping small businesses and small farmers.

They are the breath of local economies and literally feed our communities.

I grew up with a small family business that I still work with today (it's me and mom!). And in January 2020, together my mom and I bought a second small business. So I understand first-hand the kind of work they demand.

With a different schedule every day, countless items on your plate, and juggling numerous roles, I know how unconventional they can be.

With understanding, comes patience.


  • cooking and eating new foods

  • slowly getting better at gardening

  • forgetting my tea in the microwave

  • flea markets, garage sales - really anything with old junk in boxes


  • fruit: watermelon / mango

  • tea: earl grey with milk and sugar

  • color: mustard yellow

  • candy: peanut m&ms / gummi worms

After graduating from the University of Iowa in 2013 with a BA in Business Management & Organization and a certificate in Entrepreneurial Management, I started a career in Training & Development. I created and led trainings on various topics in food safety, workplace safety, teamwork, and management skills.

I really fell in love with it! Training truly felt like the perfect job for me.

Two years later, my husband and I moved to Europe for his PhD program. I left my career in training and had to figure out how to start fresh.


With all my newfound free time, I designed a new brand and built a new website with Squarespace for the family business. The design spark I’ve carried since my days designing yearbook pages and constantly editing my MySpace page, was reignited!

I began collecting additional clients through word of mouth, and in web design, I found a second job-love ❤️.

It did not take me long to realize there was a perfect marriage just waiting to happen between my two skills, website design and training.

My clients were coming to me because:

  • they didn’t know how to create a website

  • they assumed it was super technologically complicated to create a website

  • they simply didn’t have the time to figure it out on their own (They still had their day jobs 😉.)


But I had spent the time. I had learned Squarespace inside and out, and I realized I knew a secret that my clients didn’t know…

They could absolutely manage their own websites!

And all they needed was someone with the skills, patience, and expertise to hold their hand and show them how.

So now I’m here for you!

Ready to design and deliver a website you didn’t realize could be yours, with the power and confidence to update and manage it as your business continues to grow.